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Rat, Mice & Rodent
Pest Control

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Rat and Rodent Treatment & Control

Same Day Service Available

Ah isn’t it the cutest when your terrier Trevor comes traipsing in with a freshly caught, half-dead, furry gift from the gutter.


Wagging his tail, so proud of his present. Thanks Trev! Mums gonna love that! NOT!

Federal Pest Control provide imperative inspections and control for all types of rodents in Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

Being social animals, rodents live in groups. Rats and mice often access cavities and spaces in buildings that provides them with food, warmth, and shelter. Although they choose to live indoors primarily during the colder winter months, if the availability of food and shelter offered is generous they can take up year-round occupancy. When indoors they may construct nests within wall voids, in roof voids, under floors and even within stored food.

4 Signs you have a rodent problem


1. Rodent Droppings

The droppings left by the rodent may aid in identifying the species present. When shiny, dark and pliable, they suggest very recent activity. Usually within 2-3 days they become dull and hard as they dry out.



2. Gnaw Marks

Gnaw marks may often be found on food packaging or the structure of the house itself. The size of the gnaw marks can also be helpful to indicate whether you have rats or mice; larger gnaw marks will have been produced by the larger teeth of rats.


3. Hearing sounds

Hearing sounds of scampering in your ceiling or walls can often indicate the presence of rats in your roof. It’s important to seek professional advice as in Australia our homes are also susceptible to visits from protected native Australian rodents and possums – which must be caught, entrance points sealed and rehomed.


4. Tracks, Runways & Nests

If rodents are currently active in or around your home, their tracks or runways are likely to be visible, and may be  detected with a flashlight or blacklight held at an angle toward the suspected area. Rodents will use materials such as shredded paper, cardboard or fabric to make  nests.



Got a Rodent Problem? Call 1800 647 996

We've got a Pest Management Technician that's happy to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s really quite simple – there are two main reasons mice are attracted to your house – shelter and food. If you accidentally leave food scraps or waste on the floor or benches – it could well serve as an invitation for rodents.

Homeowners should complete a thorough inspection of their property before the winter and seal cracks and holes on the outside of the property using caulk or steel wool. Replace any loose mortar around the basement foundation and windows. Install door sweeps on exterior doors and repair damaged screens. Store food in airtight containers and ensure food scraps are disposed of in garbage regularly. Keep exterior doors shut at all times.

Eliminate entry points, get rid of any food scraps that may be attracting mice such as wastepaper bins with chip packets. Keep doors and windows closed, particularly during winter. Call professional rodent extermination for professional identification and extermination treatments.

Some mice and rats can carry harmful diseases, such as HPS, Leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, plague, and typhus. The best way to protect you and your family from these diseases is to keep mice and rats out of your home.

Call our friendly customer care line to discuss your rodent problem and get a price from our capable Pest Management Technicians on 1800 647 996.

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